My goal was to keep riding my bike to work until the snow made my crossing the river impossible and the ride unsafe. On Sunday afternoon I thought the end of my riding days was at hand. The blizzard like conditions and the cold air to follow made me think it is time to store my bike and start going to work on foot or on the bus.
Now it is Tuesday and my hope is restored. The mild front moving through will keep me biking for a while. Biking seemed like hard work at first. Now it has become a sought after pleasure. I have lost some weight. The cardio workout has improved my stamina. The trip home from work is a stress reliever. I look forward to using my bike to get around town.
How late do you commute? Is snow and ice a problem?
Hi Kim,
Im writing you in regard to exchanging links with your site and hope you will consider my proposal. I happened to come across your site and I actually
have one that's related to yours and I thought it would be beneficial for us to do a blogroll link exchange.
Please let me know if you're interested and I'll put your link up right away.
All I would need to know if your desired link, and anchor text. I will return with my information.
As always, they would be follow links.
Additionally, I have sites in many categories that we could exchange on.
Thanks you for your time and I truly hope to hear back from you.
rimfiregroup [at] gmail
Did you see the article about bicyclists getting a reimbursement from the federal government for biking to work? I just read this article (link below) and it sounds like it is nation wide. We should check it out.
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